
If you have an urgent pastoral need – please contact the Parish Office on 8294 1888.

Making Connections within our community 

Thank you, to all those who participated in our ‘Making Connections’ Weekend .  If any parishioner has not completed a Parish Connection Card, we invite you to complete one today and place it in the ‘stewardship renewal box’  You can also complete a connection card online via the parish website and email it back to the Parish Office.  This parish process is for ALL parishioners – old & new.  This simple process allows the parish leadership to design and plan meaningful ways to be relevant as ‘Church’ and as a people of welcome. It also assists the Parish Office to update Parishioner records.

Our aim is that all parishioners complete a Connection Card this year

To print a copy of the Connection Card, press on the download button below.  You can return your card to the Parish Office or place into the parish communications box in the church foyer.

2020 Annual Parish Pastoral Council Report 
Parish Office Opening Hours

The Parish Office is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am – 12noon and 12.30am – 2pm.  Closed on Tuesdays and public holidays.  If you have an urgent pastoral need, an emergency contact number is provided on the Parish answering machine.

Cyber Security

There are instances where cyber criminals have obtained the email address of priests, and in the name of the priest are sending out requests seeking money from parishioners. Please stay alert so as not to respond to such malicious emails.​

Parish Planned Giving Program
The first collection renewal

The first collection renewal – aims to raise awareness of the importance of the First Collection and the need to increase our contribution. Thank you to those many generous parishioners who support our priests and deacons through the First Collection. We offer support to our priests by our prayers and encouragement as well as by ensuring their well-being. If you would like to contribute via credit card or direct debit, please contact the Parish Office. Please click below for further information

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Each of us is called to make Christ’s mission visible in our community, to share the Good News that our life does have a purpose. One avenue open to us to make this happen is the process of RCIA in the parish. If you know someone who wants to learn more about our faith please contact the Parish Office on 8294 1888

St Vincent de Paul Sewing Group

Meet on Wednesday mornings in Murphy House. They welcome new helpers. Please click below for further information.

Knights of the Southern Cross

10c recyclable Empty Bottle/Can Drive Continues Please call Peter Murphy 8295 3871 or Peter Kay 0417 718 903 for collection. Thank you for your support.

Hospital Admissions

For many people, whether their visit to the hospital is planned or not, they are certainly out of their comfort zone, and a friendly face, a smile, a gentle word, a listening ear, from someone who has the time to spend with them is a very important part of their hospital stay. If you or someone you know would like a visit from the Hospital’s Catholic Chaplain, it is important that you make your intention known to hospital staff upon admission or at any stage of your stay. Please also advise the Parish Office.

Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers

For the Eucharist within the Mass Setting in the Glenelg Catholic Parish can be found under the ‘Sacraments Tab’ or by clicking below