Parish Pastoral Team & Council

Our Pastoral Team

Parish Priest: Fr John Herd

Our Pastoral Pastoral  Council

The Parish Pastoral Council meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month (except January) at 7pm.

Our Parish Pastoral Council is the umbrella group which all pastoral activity within the parish takes place. The PPC listens to the needs of the parish and seeks ways to answer those needs. It seeks to live out and to encourage others to live out the mission of the church to pray, build community, to serve and proclaim the word and to create policy for the mission of the parish.

A Parish pastoral Council report is printed out in the parish bulletin each month, generally on the first Sunday of the month. Any correspondence for the Parish Pastoral Council should be sent to the Parish Office.

Executive Council


Russell Hoggins

Darren Hone


Ex-Officio Members

Parish Priest
Fr. John Herd

Principal, St Mary’s Memorial School
Sonja Smith

Principal, Our Lady of Grace School
Josette Charles

Elected Members
Claire Victory
Vanessa Bengero
Peter Youil
Emmanuel Anthony



Our Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council is responsible for the financial aspects involved in running a parish. They meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm. If you have any correspondence for the Parish Financial Council, please send it to the Parish Office. For further information please contact the Parish Secretary on 8294 1888 or


Ex Officio

Parish Priest
Fr John Herd

Elected Members

Kevin O’Brien (Chair)
Chris Adams
Jo Coonan

Jan Rohaninski
David Angus
Trish Felici (Minutes Secretary)