Workplace Health & Safety
Updated emergency evacuation diagrams
Updated emergency evacuation diagrams are displayed in Our Lady of Victories Church (main foyer, side foyer, choir loft and by the sacristy), Murphy House, St Dominic’s Hall and the Parish Office. If you attend/volunteer in any of these locations please familiarise yourself with these diagrams especially the emergency exits. An emergency assembly area has been established and is located in the Parish Office Carpark. Signage has been erected and is visible from High Street. Updated diagrams for Our Lady of Grace Church have now been updated and are displayed in the church.
Have you injured yourself? After seeking first aid, please report this to the Parish Office immediately.
Incident Report Forms are available in the church foyers or by contacting the Parish office on 8294 1888.
Workplace Health & Safety Representatives
John Wainwright
Peter O’Connor
Emergency Volunteer Fire Wardens
9am – Pat Murphy
6pm – Jo Coonan
10.30am – Geoff McCarthy
5pm – Henriette Greenfield & John Lee