Parish Planned Giving

New Direct Giving App

The Adelaide Archdiocese’s Find a Mass App has been upgraded to allow people to contribute to the first and second collections via a credit or debit card. Users can make a one-off donation or set up recurring donations to their parish and community (second collection) and for the support of the clergy (first collection) as well as to special collections held throughout the year. A short YouTube video has also been produced to demonstrate how the app works.

If you have any inquiries, please email:

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Two Collections During Sunday Mass

There are two collections taken up during Sunday Mass.

First Collection

The first collection goes to support the priests of the Archdiocese.

Second Collection

The second collection goes to the support of Glenelg Parish. This money helps with running costs of the churches, office expenses, utilities, wages etc.

Parish Thanksgiving Program

(Planned Giving)

A number of parishioners choose to contribute regularly to support our parish. This is called Planned Giving and funds can be given via weekly envelopes, or by electronic means.

Via an electronic contribution.

The link on the Archdiocesan website is . You will need to select the Glenelg Parish and chose whether you are contributing to the First Collection (Support of Priests) or Second Collection (Parish Property & maintenance etc)

Credit & Direct Debit Forms

If you are currently contributing via envelope, you can elect to make your contribution via credit card or direct debit. Forms are available for download below or can be emailed or posted to you at your request.

You can make a direct deposit into our account. Please be sure to put your Planned Giving (PG) number and surname as a reference.

Please contact the Parish office to arrange this.

Collection Envelopes 

You can drop your envelopes (2nd Collection) or donations to the 1st Collection into the Parish Office between 9am—2pm weekdays.


Parishioners who wish to leave a bequest to the Glenelg Parish are able to do so by inserting into their will a codicil to this effect. The executor of the estate will in the fullness of time execute this bequest. Donations to the Glenelg Parish are able to be made at any time.