
When a man and a woman meet, fall in love and wish to spend their lives together, they make a promise to be faithful to each other for life. They confer on each other the Sacrament of Matrimony. And because it is the love of God and not just their own shared love, they make their promises publicly, in front of a priest or a deacon who represents the Church, and before two other witnesses.

They seal their covenant by the fact of their giving of themselves to each other – thus they become “one body and one soul”, so to find wholeness and happiness. So from their oneness new life can now arise: husband and wife become father and mother.

For information on the requirements of booking and preparing for a marriage please contact the parish office.

Marriage education can be recommended by Parish priests and is available through Centacare Catholic Country, see their Pre-Marriage Education Programs.

Weddings at Glenelg Parish

Congratulations if you are thinking of celebrating your wedding at Our Lady of Victories Church, Glenelg. Please see the attached file with information about weddings in our parish.