Contact Details: Speak to Mariana Vega by calling 8294 1888 or email Parish Office: 17 High St Glenelg SA 5045
Important Information
We offer you our sincere sympathy and condolence if this enquiry relates to booking a funeral for a deceased loved one. Please contact the Parish Secretary by calling 08 8294 1888 or by email on
As at1st Janusary 2021, the Priest Stipend for a funeral is $250 and the church hire fee is $100.
Committal of Ashes
The Glenelg Parish has a Memorial Garden called St Mary’s Memorial Garden, which is resting place for the ashes of the faithful departed. The garden incorporates a Columbarium for the immurement of ashes in a wall as well as a garden for the internment of ashes in the ground.
Information is available from the Columbarium Officer, Mrs Anne Kay on 0438 479 845
To download of a copy of the prospectus which outlines costs, please click below. Please note: fees are subject to change.
Bereavement Team
The Glenelg Catholic Parrish has a team of parishioners who work with bereaved families within the community to organise funeral liturgies and follow up support to those who grieve.
For further information please contact 8294 1888.
Parishioners who wish to leave a bequest to the Glenelg Parish are able to do so by inserting into their will a codicil to this effect. The executor of the estate will in the fullness of time execute this bequest. Donations to the Glenelg Parish are able to be made at any time.