Becoming a Catholic
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, What is the RCIA?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process universally restored in the Catholic Church in the 1970s to prepare unbaptised adults for membership in the Church. Also called “the catechumenate”. This process of Christian initiation has several stages and ritual steps, leading up to the reception of all three sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation and eucharist, usually at the Easter Vigil, and finishing with Pentecost. People undertaking this journey of initiation are called” ‘catechumens”.
The RCIA process also welcomes baptised Christians from other Christian churches who want to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.
RCIA in Glenelg Parish
The Glenelg Parish offers the RCIA program for those inquiring about the Catholic faith. A sponsor will help you along the way. To find out how to commence the journey or to get further information, for further information please contact Parish Secretary on or by phoning 08 8294 1888.

- Are you interested in becoming a Catholic yourself?
- Do you know someone who might be interested in becoming a Catholic?
- Are you an adult Catholic who has not been Confirmed?
- Would you simply like to participate in a no-strings attached religious discussion group (mostly about the Bible)?
The process for joining the Church, or preparing for Confirmation as an adult, is called the Rite for the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The RCIA programme is run by a group of volunteer lay-people. We hold weekly meetings at which we discuss a Bible-passage or passages and the related religious topic under the leadership of one of our members.
The meetings are usually held on Tuesdays, and begin at the beginning of September, and end in May the following year. The meetings are held on Wednesdays and commence at 7pm and end at 8.15pm.
We usually have an information-meeting for interested people in late August, but people are welcome, even if they have not attended the information-meeting.
For further information please contact the Parish Office.
Are you interested in supporting an adult who is exploring becoming a Catholic?
From within our community we require:
Leaders: who share their faith and lead those enquiring to discover what faith in Jesus in the Catholic tradition will entail.
Sponsors: who will accompany those enquiring, share with them, support them and be a link to introduce them to the life of faith in the parish community.
Prayers: people who supportively pray for those journeying to faith, that they will be open to the grace of God on their journey.